Saturday, January 28, 2012

Christmas Break and the Start of the Semester

It's a little late for this post, but I'm going to post it anyway.

Christmas break was good. I relaxed, a lot. I didn't really do anything but relax and see family during the break. I enjoyed it. Christmas Break is vastly different that being back at Virginia Tech, but I'll talk about that in a couple minutes.

I enjoyed being around my family. Going to college has made me realize how much I enjoy being around them even we don't always get along. Ben is Ben. We're always going to fight, but until he can take me, I'll probably provoke him. Carolyn is growing into a beautiful young woman. She has a job and babysits. She gets to babysit the preacher's kids and I'm so jealous of that, I love those little nuggets. Whenever we talk on the phone the conversation always turns to who is better. I'm sure that one day she'll actually be better then me in a lot of ways. Clay is getting old. He has a girlfriend and man's best friend, Beethoven. He has moved several times, gotten fried from a job, and then got another job. Yet during all of this he is concerned about me and makes sure that I'm doing okay. Mom is getting older, but she isn't old yet. She won't be old until she has grandchildren (I think that's the current definition). She loves talking to all of us though. I've heard countless people say that you don't truly appreciate your parents until you leave and I've learned that lesson. Dad is still dad. He gets into something that he loves and will tell everyone about it. He got into learning the family history over break and we found out that we were related to someone who knew Hudson. He has such a passion for learning and I hope that I'll always have that. That is enough being sappy, I'm sure my Nana is shedding a couple tears if she is reading this.

This semester, I know great transition, I'm taking a full load of classes. Most of them are freshmen level classes, so it shouldn't be that hard. There is a lot of reading though, I'm not sure how I feel about that yet. I do need to start reading though. I've picked up another job at Owens food court. I've only worked a couple of hours there and I have my first whole shift tonight. I'm still working at the Bookstore, but they only gave me one 3 hour shift a week for the semester, so I guess it has worked out that I'm working at Owens as well.

I recently gave the first club talk of the semester, it's the introduction talk, and it went well. It was during our first club of the semester as well, weird that those things line up. I talked about Luke 9:18-20 and how the crowds had misconceptions of Jesus and that we often have misconceptions about Jesus as well. Then talked about how we're going to be in the crowd as the Leaders tell everyone about Jesus and that and misconceptions will go away.

Well, that's all I have to say. Sorry it has been so long since the last lost. Hopefully I'll be able to keep posting regularly.


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